
To keep your videos interesting, seek truth.

Truth is always fascinating.  It doesn’t have to be literal truth.  But it does have to be human truth.

Showtime’s Dexter was ostensibly about a serial killer struggling to kill without doing “wrong” or getting caught.  Its truths were about the character being unable to understand how “normal” people think– which illuminated the larger truth that nobody really understands how other people think, or what they want from us.

Even though we’re not all psychopaths, looking at the world through the eyes of one psychopath trying to follow his own code of honor exposes things we, the audience, understand to be true.

Was the show literally “true”? No.  It was about a fictional character, and it’s plot was made up by a team of professional writers.  But did it tell truth?  Yes.  Which was the secret to it’s long success.

If customers see truth about their needs in a sales video, they’ll relate to it in a way they couldn’t if they were just being “pitched.”  Your funny video sketch plays well at a meeting because it tells truths about the corporate culture around you.  A birthday party video that tells the truths about the family’s relationships will be way more interesting than a superficial grin-and-wave.

For your next video, what truths can you tell?

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One Comment

  • Steve – Thank you for the article. It is so good to step back and remember that the purpose of what I am doing with my work is tell a story and to communicate the truth. It is a great message to hold to while I am doing my work. Thanks,

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