How to Shoot Videos that Does not Suck

Steve Stockman


Steve Stockman on setvcc

You're Just Moments Away from Transforming Your Videos Forever

There’s only one real secret to getting people to watch your video: you have to give them video worth watching.

I designed this course to teach anyone to shoot professional quality video without special equipment or made-up "rules." My new course is easy to follow, with exercises that are easy to try. There’s no complicated tech because great video isn’t about software or fancy equipment. It's about how you think about how to shoot.

Even better: it's guaranteed to work for you.



And I can help you shoot better video...

I've shot everything from web and TV commercials to music videos; from network TV shows to theatrical features. Through my best-selling book, How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck, I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people how to create videos worth watching.

With my brand new streaming course, I can help you too.

Steve Stockman at Desk Square

Go From Amateur to Good—
Or Good to Great—In Minutes

Whether you're the designated family home-video-shooter,

marketing your business, or on your way to a Hollywood career,

I can help you shoot better video - instantly.

Get 10 Tips Thats Will Change

the Way You Shoot Video—Forever!

Drop your email below and we'll send you 10 free lessons– one a day– that will change everything you know about shooting video. Each lesson will help you un-suck your video-- INSTANTLY.

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How to Shoot Video that Doesn't Suck

The World's Best-Selling

Video How-to Book

The world is drowning in video, and most of it sucks. Even though almost everyone carries a video device 24/7, almost nobody knows how to use it well.

How to Shoot Video that Doesn’t Suck teaches you how to shoot video that people will actually want to watch. This isn’t a technical book. You won’t find anything about HD vs. 4k, or which editing program to buy. Instead, it’s about how to think like a director so that your video does what you want it to do. Whether you’re already a pro or the designated family home-video-shooter, this book will instantly make your video better.

Every chapter contains a clear, concise concept that you can try the next time you pull out your camera. A little practice and your video will never suck again.

See How Our



Their Videos

"The only thing missing is a time machine so I could go back and reshoot fifteen years of sucky birthday party and school play videos."


David A. Goodman
Executive Producer/Head Writer of
Family Guy and The Orville


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