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We talked about 10 Things Book People Need to Know about Video, but since most of them apply to most businesses, I’m reprinting them here:

10 Things Book People Need to Know about Video
Entertain or Die

2.  Video is about the audience.  If they’re not interested, they won’t watch.  If they don’t watch, you might as well not have made the video.

Video is about the audience

3.  Never confuse what you want with what the audience wants.  You may have sales goals, but they have their own needs. Their needs determine how they behave, not yours.

Never confuse what you want with what the audience wants

4.  The Entertainment Transaction:  The audience pays (with time or money) the entertainment must deliver (with an experience).

The Entertainment Transaction

6. Video done right works.  It can increase the number of people who know about your book, or improve their experience of it.  Or both.

Video done right

7.  Treat your author like a star. Always make your star look great—which includes matching talent to on-camera task.

Treat your author like a star
Remember the Rubbermaid Rule


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